Pretty Covers (January Edition)

Pretty Covers (January Edition)




1 minute


Ciao bookworms!

So, this year, I want to do a monthly post of all the prettiest of book covers that released during the month. I know it’s all well and good to say to not judge a book by its cover but covers are pretty and sometimes they are kinda the deciding factor. So I wanna appreciate all the cover artists out there by talking about the book covers I found to be exceptionally pretty during the month.

Now, these are not all the books I want to read because some of them I am not too sure of, and most of them I can’t even imagine having the time to read them all. So, think of it as me appreciating these covers just for the sake of it.

Also, has this been done before? Is there a tag that follows this kind of thing? If not, then I might actually have to give it a name or a tag or something, right? Gosh. What pressure!

In any case, I hope you enjoyed eyeing those gorgeous covers and who knows, maybe some of them might be added to your tbr after you looked at them!

Till the next time, lovelies.


5 responses to “Pretty Covers (January Edition)”

  1. Arya D. @Arya's Fangirl Lexicon Avatar
    Arya D. @Arya’s Fangirl Lexicon

    Wow the cover artists outdid themselves this month! They all look so gorgeous! This is the first time I’ve heard Ashlords it sounds amazing! I can’t wait to read it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bookwormmuse Avatar

      I mean, yeah! I am just in awe of the covers! Ashlords is about phoenix horse racing and the life of its racers. Three particular racers! It sounds amazing and if possible, I am going to try to read it.


  2. theorangutanlibrarian Avatar

    So pretty! Love this selection!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bookwormmuse Avatar

      Thank you!! 💞 I love pretty things and I can’t lie. 😂😂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Monthly Wrap Up- February – bookwormmuse Avatar
    Monthly Wrap Up- February – bookwormmuse

    […] Pretty Covers (January Edition) […]


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